
The privacy and security of your personal information and data is important to us. The site is designed to collect as little information about you as is neccessary. Below are some of the ways we collect information, and how we use it.

Information you provide.

You provide us information about yourself when you register with us. This would include your name, address, as well as other personally identifiable details as well as details regarding your payments, such as credit card details.

Information we collect

We also get some information about your use of the site primarily aimed at improving your user experience. This would include device specific information, such as information about your device model, your operating system, IP address, browser type, the network you use to connect, location, as well as logs about how you used the Product, search queries, and so on.

We may use various technologies to collect and store the above information, such as cookies.

We do not track your usage outside of SmartCity Tracker/HowIndia Lives, however, we may keep a log of the source and destination of our traffic, that is, the website/URL from which you were directed towards our website.

What we do with the Information

We DO NOT sell the Information you provide us, or share it with anybody outside Joe Data Services Pvt. Ltd.

The information we collect is intended to be used for the improvement of your experience using the Product. For example, your device information helps us optimise the product for such devices as well as to fix bigs. The search history allows us to guide you sooner to what we think you might require, and your email address helps us send you alerts, if desired.

However, in some cases, such as when you click on a 'Like' or 'tweet' Button provided by outside corporations such as Facebook or Twitter, they will be collecting information about you that will be governed by their privacy policy and not merely ours'.

We may (though we don't, at present) share non-personally identifiable information with analytics experts so that they can give us solutions as to how we can improve your experience on the site.

We may share personal information collected from you for legal reasons, such as enforcement of law, enforcement of the Terms of Service, and so on.