India by 750

The finer you slice your data, the better you get to understand the Indian consumer. Forget 640 districts. Forget 6,000 sub-districts. Forget 19,000 pin codes. Forget 0.6 million villages. Here’s a mapping of India in 16 million pieces, each of 750 square metres—the size of a neighbourhood park. India by 750 combines real-time, high frequency datasets with legacy public data to enable organisations to take better micro-level decisions.

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Socio-Economic Profiler (SEP)

Enabling credit to 'Bharat' - Developed in partnership with Wonderlend Hubs and 121 Mapping, SEP is a macro-economic data-based credit scoring solution that helps lenders reduce delinquency / grow business by up to ~25%, especially among borrowers who don’t have a credit score yet. SEP credit score is available at a pin code or 750 x 750 meter ‘geo-unit’ level and administered through a tech platform in the same manner as a credit bureau score.

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Smart Cities Tracker

India’s first database on “smart cities”. Smart cities delves into various aspects that make up the quality of life in 97 of India’s chosen cities while drawing on technology.

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