What percentage of revenue receipts comes from the Centre?

While states generate their own resources, they also receive some resources from Union Government. This visualisation depicts that out of all revenue receipts of states government, what share comes from Union government, which is sum of share in central taxes, and grants from Union government. Higher values indicate that a particular state is more dependent on Union Government for resources.
For all states combined, 53.7% of all revenue receipts comes from Union government. For non-special category states, this ratio is 43.6%, while for special category states, this is 75.1%. Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura have highest dependency on Union Government, while Haryana, Maharashtra and Telangana have lowest.

Click/Tap on State to see its five-year trend on this metric

Source: Receipt budget of state budget for various years.

1. 15th Finance Commision period starts from FY 2020-21, before that it was 14th FC.

Attribution: Reproduction of this graphic for educational and other non-commercial purposes is authorised, without prior written permission provided the source is fully acknowledged.
Copyright: Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA) 2022

Data visualisation: How India Lives