Total expenditure from the State Budget as a proportion of GSDP

The Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) provides a measure of the size of a State's economy, of which government spending is one component (investment by firms and consumption expenditure by households being the other two components). This comparative metric shows how total State Budget expenditure as a proportion of GSDP varies across States. In 2022-23, this ranged from 31.9 % in Odisha and Bihar to 7.3 % in Delhi, among the non Special Category States; and 62.8 % in Nagaland to 24.4 % in Assam among the Special Category States.

Click/Tap on State to see its seven-year trend on this metric

Source: (i) Budget at a Glance/Budget Brief/Budget Summary; (ii) Directorate of Economics & Statistics of respective States/Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

1: Some of the states have not been included as the relevant data for them was not available.
2: Data shown on the map is for 2021-22 (RE) for Andhra Pradesh and Delhi, 2020-21 (A) for Sikkim and Tripura, and 2019-20 (A) for Punjab.

Attribution: Reproduction of this graphic for educational and other non-commercial purposes is authorised, without prior written permission provided the source is fully acknowledged.
Copyright: Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA) 2022

Data visualisation: How India Lives